tx-generator-2.11: A transaction workload generator for Cardano clusters
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Beyond the basic wallet functions, there are some functions manipulating the FundQueue held in a WalletRef by side effect, like createAndStore and mangle.



type WalletRef = MVar FundQueue Source #

All the actual functionality of Wallet / WalletRef has been removed and WalletRef has been stripped down to MVar FundQueue. The implementation of Wallet has become trivial. Todo: Remove trivial wrapper functions.

type TxStream m era = Stream (Of (Either TxGenError (Tx era))) m () Source #

'ToUTxOList era' is more powerful than '[ ToUTxO era ]' but '[ ToUTxO era ]` is easier to construct. There is also a thought that a MonadError might fit here, but that's a deprecated interface relative to ExceptT: type TxStream m era = Stream (Of (Tx era)) m (Maybe TxGenError)

createAndStore :: ToUTxO era -> (Fund -> m ()) -> CreateAndStore m era Source #

createAndStore hides its 3rd argument in the CreateAndStore type alias. The sole uses are in Cardano.Benchmarking.Script.Core, in interpretPayMode. The 2nd store argument is always passed as mkWalletFundStore applied to a WalletRef.

initWallet :: IO WalletRef Source #

This creates a new MVar with an emptyFundQueue vs. truly initializing a preexisting WalletRef.

askWalletRef :: WalletRef -> (FundQueue -> a) -> IO a Source #

This reads an MVar and applies a function to the copied content.

walletRefInsertFund :: WalletRef -> Fund -> IO () Source #

This does an insertion into the MVar contents.

mkWalletFundStoreList :: WalletRef -> FundToStoreList IO Source #

mkWalletFundStoreList hides its second argument in FundToStoreList. This is not used anywhere.

mkWalletFundStore :: WalletRef -> FundToStore IO Source #

mkWalletFundStore hides its second argument in FundToStore. This is only ever called in tandem with createAndStore in interpretPayMode. It's only ever partially applied to make a function that modifies the WalletRef MVar by side effect.

walletSource :: WalletRef -> Int -> FundSource IO Source #

walletSource is only ever used in evalGenerator to pass to sourceToStoreTransaction and its associated functions.

walletPreview :: WalletRef -> Int -> IO [Fund] Source #

Just a preview of the wallet's funds; wallet remains unmodified.

mangleWithChange :: Monad m => CreateAndStore m era -> CreateAndStore m era -> CreateAndStoreList m era PayWithChange Source #

The second argument to mangleWithChange is hidden in the CreateAndStoreList type. When there is change to be made, it makes separate transactions to pay the change and sends them off to mangle to get zips of applications. This is only ever used once, in evalGenerator for the Split case.

zipWith3 (x y z -> second ($ z) (x y)) but relatively obfuscated. This appears to mostly be list processing and function application. and is only ever used by evalGenerator to handle several of the cases of Generator, though it's also indirectly invoked via mangleWithChange once. The only caller not passing a constant list built with repeat as the first fkts@ argument is mangleWithChange above. This is likely worth refactoring for the sake of maintainability.