tx-generator-2.11: A transaction workload generator for Cardano clusters
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




type CreateAndStore m era = Lovelace -> (TxOut CtxTx era, TxIx -> TxId -> m ()) Source #

CreateAndStore is meant to represent building a transaction from a single number and presenting a function to carry out the needed side effects. This type alias is only used in Cardano.Benchmarking.Wallet.

type CreateAndStoreList m era split = split -> ([TxOut CtxTx era], TxId -> m ()) Source #

CreateAndStoreList is meant to represent building a transaction and presenting a function to carry out the needed side effects. This type alias is also only used in Cardano.Benchmarking.Wallet. The split parameter seems to actualy be used for not much more than lists and records containing lists.

genTx :: forall era. IsShelleyBasedEra era => ShelleyBasedEra era -> LedgerProtocolParameters era -> (TxInsCollateral era, [Fund]) -> TxFee era -> TxMetadataInEra era -> TxGenerator era Source #

genTx seems to mostly be a wrapper for createAndValidateTransactionBody, which uses the Either convention in lieu of e.g. ExceptT. Then the pure function makeSignedTransaction is composed with it and the Error is lifted to TxGenError as an ApiError case. The txGenerator arguments of the rest of the functions in this module are all partial applications of this to its first 5 arguments. The 7th argument comes from TxGenerator being a being a type alias for a function type -- of two arguments.

sourceToStoreTransaction :: Monad m => TxGenerator era -> FundSource m -> ([Lovelace] -> split) -> ToUTxOList era split -> FundToStoreList m -> m (Either TxGenError (Tx era)) Source #

sourceToStoreTransaction builds a transaction out of several arguments. Cardano.Benchmarking.Script.PureExample is the sole caller. txGenerator is just genTx partially applied in all uses of all these functions. inputFunds for this is a list of Lovelace with some extra fields to throw away and coproducts maintaining distinctions that don't matter to these functions. The inToOut argument seems to just sum and subtract the fee in seemingly all callers. mkTxOut gets built from functions in Cardano.TxGenerator.UTxO. The other functions take CreateAndStoreList arguments and name them valueSplitter and callers construct the argument from the mangling functions in 'Cardano.TxGenerator.Utils". fundToStore commits the single-threaded fund state in its sole caller with put, using a State monad.

sourceToStoreTransactionNew :: Monad m => TxGenerator era -> FundSource m -> ([Lovelace] -> split) -> CreateAndStoreList m era split -> m (Either TxGenError (Tx era)) Source #

sourceToStoreTransactionNew builds a new transaction out of several things. evalGenerator in Cardano.Benchmarking.Script.Core is the sole caller. txGenerator is just genTx partially applied in every use. inputFunds for this is a list of Lovelace with some extra fields to throw away and coproducts maintaining distinctions that don't matter to these functions. valueSplitter is just includeChange or inputsToOutputsWithFee at every use, which just sum the inputs and subtract the fee. toStore is just a partial application of either mangleWithChange or mangle at every use.

sourceTransactionPreview :: TxGenerator era -> [Fund] -> ([Lovelace] -> split) -> CreateAndStoreList m era split -> Either TxGenError (Tx era) Source #

sourceTransactionPreview is only used at one point in evalGenerator within Cardano.Benchmarking.Script.Core to generate a hopefully pure transaction to examine. This only constructs a preview of a transaction not intended to be submitted. Funds remain unchanged by dint of a different method of wallet access. txGenerator is the same genTx partial application passed to other functions here. inputFunds for this is a list of Lovelace with some extra fields to throw away and coproducts maintaining distinctions that don't matter to these functions. This is the only argument that differs -- from sourceToStoreTransactionNew, being drawn from a use of walletPreview. valueSplitter is just inputsToOutputsWithFee at the sole use, with the same variable for monad lifting etc. as the other companion functions. toStore is just a partial application of mangle at the sole use, with the same expression involving the same function returned as a product of createAndStore as the nearby invocation of sourceToStoreTransactionNew in Cardano.Benchmarking.Script.Core.

txSizeInBytes :: forall era. IsShelleyBasedEra era => Tx era -> Int Source #